Fall-Safe Hip Protector Pads
These special hip protector pads are designed to absorb over 70% of the impact of a fall whilst being soft, cool and flexible to wear. They are just 13mm thick and contoured to fit neatly over the hip without ugly protrusions. 20 air holes and channels on the inner surface allow air to circulate, preventing sores. They are soft and comfortable enough to be worn 24/7 and in bed. They are the most effective product on the market for the prevention of hip injury and have been used in care homes hospitals and in homes all over the world since 2012.
The pads can be located on the hip with the help of special, slightly elasticated pants with side pockets. Pads can be removed when the pants are washed, so just one pair of pads is required (and 3 pants). As you see below, the pads and pants are discreet and non-bulky, and both the pads and pants are machine washable at 60 degrees.