hip IMPACT protection

• Fall-Safe Hip Protector Pads

Polyurethane foam pads with 3% dilatant to provide >70% impact absorption for the average impact force experienced by a human body in a fall to the floor/ground. Molded to the average body shape on the thigh, 13mm thick and with air holes and ducting on the inner surface to carry away excess heat. Expected durability of >3 years. Weight 80 grams. Supplied in identical pairs. Designed and produced for Hip Impact Protection Ltd.

• Fall-Safe Apply

Instead of using pants to hold the pads in place on the thighs, the pads can be located directly on the body with the help of double-sided, breathable adhesive films which can be worn 24/7 in bed, bath, and shower, so much safer than pants. A cooler and more comfortable solution than pants, the films are changed every 14 days. A silicone adhesive, as with wound dressings, is used on the films in order to prevent sores. Unique to HIP.

• Fall-Safe Apply Films

Double-sided adhesive films with acrylic adhesive on the side facing the pad, and with silicone adhesive on the side facing the body. It is shaped to match the above pad and with removable backing paper on each side (to preserve the adhesive during transit). On removing the backing paper on the back, the film is then stuck to the pad, thus allowing the backing papers on the other side to be removed and the pad then affixed to the skin over the Greater Trochanter of the patient. Expected use of one set of films is 10 days to 2 weeks. Supplied in sets of 12 films, designed to be sufficient for 2-3 months. Designed and produced for Hip Impact Protection Ltd.